Sunday, February 3, 2013

Its a Boy!

Mason Richard decided to surprise us and arrive early! He was born on January 31st at 8:29 pm. He was 5 lbs 6 oz and 18 3/4 in long!

My water broke at 5 am on Thursday morning. I didn't realize that it was actually my water breaking, so I went to work at 8 am and called into the Winthrop Clinic. They told me to call Labor and Delivery, so I called them and went in to get checked out. At that point in time I was having no contractions, so I still didn't think I was in labor. They confirmed that I was and dilated to 2 cm, so they admitted me at 10 am. Richard left work, packed a hospital bag, and came to the hospital. They started me on Pitocin right away and at 3 pm I received an epidural. At 4 pm I was dilated to a 6 and at 7 pm they told me I could start pushing! Mason was born at 8:29 pm! The whole labor process went really well!
They were worried about Mason's lungs, so they took him to the nursery to get checked out. They called in the pediatrician, Dr. Moore, to monitor him. At 12 am they called Dr. Moore to come back in because Mason was having a hard time breathing. He did a procedure and stuck a tube down his throat to put a soap-like substance in his lungs. This procedure did not help, so at 2 am they called Children's to get their opinion. The Dr. at Children's said that he needed to be airlifted up there.
At 2 am Richard called both sets of parents to come in so that my parents could stay with me and his parents could drive him to the cities. At 4 am the helicopter arrived and the team started working on him. The helicopter took off at 5 am.
It was an emotional rollercoaster, going from the excitement of your baby being born, to seeing your baby being hauled off in a helicopter and having your husband leave to go be with him.
I was able to get released at 10:30 am so I could be with Mason and Richard. My parents drove me to the cities.
That's the story of the day Mason was born! We love him so much already and can't wait until our family can be home together!

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